Use our price comparison tool to find out about FedEx shipping rates in France or internationally. Compare FedEx offers with those of other carriers and ship for less with our negotiated discounts!
How to ship a parcel with Fedex?

FedEx Rates : domestic shipments
FedEx Priority Overnight offers
2,2 lbs | 23,27£ | 1 day |
4,4 lbs | 24,47£ | 1 day |
11 lbs | 28,37£ | 1 day |
22 lbs | 36,17£ | 1 day |
44 kg | 46,97£ | 1 day |
Tarifs FedEx : shipments within Europe
FedEx International Economy Offers
2,2 lbs | 17,03£ | 5 days |
4,4 lbs | 17,03£ | 5 days |
11 lbs | 21,86£ | 5 days |
22 lbs | 29,93£ | 5 days |
44 lbs | 50,44£ | 5 days |
FedEx Rates : international shipments
FedEx Express Offers
2,2 lbs | 28,59£ | 6 days |
4,4 lbs | 37,22£ | 6 days |
11 lbs | 46,77£ | 6 days |
22 lbs | 73,46£ | 6 days |
44 lbs | 146,03£ | 6 days |
The rates depend on the weight, dimensions and destination of your package. You can also subscribe to different options, for example the insurance at 2€ HT to obtain a refund of 100% of the declared value in case of loss, theft or damage of a valuable shipment.
Upela allows you to compare prices for preparing, franking and shipping an order door to door or in relay point in a few clicks:
- You enter the type of shipment (envelope, package, pallet) and its characteristics: weight, dimensions, height.
- You indicate your shipping and destination addresses, using a postal code or the names of towns or cities. You can choose from more than 200 countries, both for import and export. Specify if it is a business address or not.
- Choose the desired pick-up (departure) date and click on "Compare offers".
- You can access all Upela offers classified by type of delivery time (Standard, Express or Courier in large cities). Follow the steps to validate and ship your order.
FedEx shipping : the offers of the carrier
FedEx offers several services for your domestic and international shipments of letters, packages and pallets:
- A standard door-to-door service for international shipments, FedEx International Economy
- An Express service for delivery on D+1 (the day after pick-up), FedEx International Priority
- An express delivery service before noon the day after pickup, FedEx Priority Overnight
- Two pallet shipping services, Standard and Express: FedEx Economy Freight and FedEx Priority Freight
Shipping terms with FedEx
FedEx allows you to ship packages and bulky items that weigh less than 68 kilograms. The length of the package must not exceed 274 centimeters. The goods transported must not be on the list of prohibited and/or regulated goods. Finally, a suitable packaging must be provided for the transport.
FedEx rate: why choose Upela?
Upela is an ideal transport comparison tool to save money on each of your shipments. Upela allows you to benefit from discounts negotiated with the most reliable and fast carriers, in order to ship in more than 200 countries.
Are you a professional? Take advantage of additional negotiated rates by creating a simple PRO account (for free). Upela is not a simple comparison tool: we have created tools to facilitate the daily logistics of entrepreneurs:
- Drop Shipment (to supply your delocalized warehouse from a supplier, or to avoid managing your stock for example),
- E-commerce connectors for marketplaces and CMS,
- Address book,
- Thermal printing of packing slips,
- Monthly deferred invoicing... all these tools are available for free and simply by creating an Upela professional account.
Finally, Upela supports small and medium-sized companies wishing to set up a dedicated TMS allowing them to benefit from a centralized logistics solution. We can assist companies in their integration and creation of a relevant tool. Do not hesitate to contact us to know our offers and discover our partnership possibilities.